Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Over for Android review

Over (play link) came out for Android recently and as someone who likes to take photos and mess around with them, I'm very happy to see more photo editing apps making the jump over to this platform.


Over is a pretty nifty app, it allows you to add captions or design elements to your photos. Though it works well on its own, I would recommend using it in conjunction with an app that actually edits your photos (the photos app on android for example, which is the one I've used to create these).


I am very pleased with the interface of the application, it incorporates a dial (above) on the right that you utilize to navigate between the different things you can do. As you add things to your image, there is a grid to give you an idea of how you are laying things out. An additional menu comes up to edit the elements that you add, it gives you the choice of refining their attributes (size, rotation, crop and opacity among others seen below) . This menu also makes available more granular controls for moving those elements about.


I find myself messing with pictures more often with Over in my utility belt. The app comes with a well rounded amount of fonts and design elements, however the in-app purchases are a great addition as well (the font packs are great). I am excited to see more apps like these take the leap.

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