Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Knights of Sidonia Review


Netflix has been successful with their recent original series' such as House of Cards, Orange Is the New Black and Hemlock Grove, and Knights of Sidonia is no exception. 

KoS is available in an English dubbed version as well as an English-subbed Japanese version. This is definitely a show that you wouldn't let your kids watch. KoS is rated TV-MA.

Knights of Sidonia takes place 1000 years after the earth was destroyed by an alien race called the Gauna. At this point, most of the remaining population are aboard the space ship, Sidonia. On the run from the Gauna and looking for a new home, the Guardians (or Knights of Sidonia) have to constantly defend the ship using mechs they have created called guards. I know this sounds similar to Battlestar Galactica, but this isn't a bad thing!

Not only do these humans have to fight to survive, but they had to evolve to survive starvation. These new evolved humans had to turn to cloning, asexual reproduction, and photosynthesis to survive. We might think this will be something that is never going to happen to the human race, but if you think about it anything can happen in 1000 years. When people get desperate and are pushed to the brink of survival they will find a way to do it. This is one of the reasons why KoS feels realistic despite being a sci-fi show. Not to say that this show is grounded in reality (it isn't), but compared to other outlandish animes, this one tries to answer real human problems like the what do we do when we begin to run out of food? It can be similar to Attack on Titan in the sense that, much like real life, anyone can die at any time. Therefore, don't get attached to any characters because you never know when they will be on their way out.

From the moment you start watching you are intrigued with the world being shown. You just want to know why all of these things are happening to these people. It is definitely a show that leaves you wanting to hit the next episode as soon as possible.

The main character, Nagate Tanikaze, is a bit different to say the least. You know that there is more to the story than just evolved humans fighting gigantic aliens and Nagate has a big part in it. 

Nagate was raised in the "underground" (a complex series of pipes beneath the surface of Sidonia) without any type of connection to the outside world with the exception of his grandfather and a guard simulator. Therefore he is the closest thing to a "normal human" that there is in Sidonia. Nagate doesn't go through photosynthesis like the other citizens of Sidonia so he has to eat your "regular"  3 meals a day (if not more). This, among other things, is a reason why Nagate is an outcast in Sidonia. I won't tell you the rest because you should go and watch KoS. needless to say, Nagate has many issues that he must deal with once he becomes acclimated to Sidonia, but that is for you to find out when you watch it.

As I previously stated, Knights of Sidonia is a sci-fi anime, but it also brings some real life elements into it. Unlike other mecha animes where pilots don't have to worry about food, fuel or even getting stranded in the middle of nowhere, KoS shows the viewer that the creators are aware of the myriad of issues that pilots would probably go through and incorporated them into the story. All the drama in the show is great, but the visual are nothing to scoff at either. You will be mesmerized by how beautiful everything looks, especially in those space scenes. The show is mainly done using 3D animation as opposed to the traditional 2D, but there are scenes where you would not be able to tell the difference. The show is just beautifully made. I am not someone that watches shows a second time, but this is definitetly one that I would rewatch at least more than two times. Knights of Sidonia has the potential to be the next Attack on Titan in terms of popularity. I am very exited to see what is next for KoS . I recommend that you go to Netflix right now to watch the show!

Source: Netflix , IMDb

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